Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nothing Much

Teenagers have taken over my studio these past couple of weeks. Needless to say I haven't got a lot done. My camera's batteries are flat so I haven't been able to take any photos of what I have done. To add to it, when I went to my studio today to put some chocolate nut bread in my dehydrator, I found that water had been spilt over my painting and other bits and pieces on my work desk. I have tried to salvage my painting but the colour from her lips has bled down her chin. I will have to try and mix up another batch of skin tone and try and see if she can be salavaged. If not - there goes my prize for the One World One Heart giveaway. Sigh. No one has owned up to it and I'm sure it was an accident anyway - fingers crossed I can fix her.


The Bodhi Chicklet said... 1

How sad, however you still have a week to fiddle with it and more than that before it gets mailed out, you do have the photo from the last time you posted your progression on the painting. I have confidence you can salvage the canvas AND have it ready for mailing. But the biggest mystery to me here is chocolate nut bread in a dehydrator?

Vicki Holdwick said... 2


I am sorry to hear about this setback. She was coming along so nicely. I think (and hope) you will be able to make it all right again.

But, I am also wondering about the chocolate nut bread in the dehydrator!!


Unknown said... 3

1 more week till they go back to school :)

Linda said... 4

Oh no that's terrible. I had already made a space for her on my wall. ;>)

~*~Patty S said... 5

oh my
everyone's worst nightmare
so very sorry that happened Brenda
