She is starting to come to life now. Tonight I painted her eyes and lips and already she is starting to take shape. Considering I haven't painted in a year, I am quite pleased with her, though I can see many flaws. Tomorrow I will start on her hair; I am trying to decide what colour - red or brown? Maybe inspiration will strike while I sleep. Back to work tomorrow - this will limit the amount of time I can spend painting but even if I paint only a little every day, I will make progress.
Thank you to everyone that left lovely comments on my "intimidated" post. It really helps to know that there are other artists out there that feel the same way and can relate to how I feel. Thanks for your support.
very exciting to see the stages...don't stop...these are lovely!
Hi Brenda. I meant to leave you a comment on your last post as I found your shading to have turned out quite well. I do love seeing work in progress so I am appreciating seeing this as she evolves. We do tend to be hard on ourselves but soldier on, the more we do, the more we learn. I hope the "other" painting you were doing is complete and you are living with some new colours around you.
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