Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've been tagged!

Whew! I've only had this blog for 4 days and I've been tagged already. Thanks Trish! If you get a chance, pop on over and visit Trish's blog, she is a great artist! OK, so I have to post the rules and list 6 things about myself that you don't know, which shouldn't be that hard as none of you probably know anything about me. This is harder than it sounds though!

1. I love chooks, real ones and ornamental chooks. (chook = chicken). My children chose the name of this blogspot - not me!
2. I am a bibliophile - I collect books, lots of them, and I read them. I love non-fiction, probably because I love learning.
3. I was born in New Zealand in Auckland and have a twin brother. I moved to Australia when I was 22.
4. My favourite colour is purple - I even have a purple bedroom. It was painted that colour when we bought the house and I have grown to love it.
5. I am a fruit bat - can't get enough of that fruit. I love fruit in any shape or form, and dipped in chocolate makes it even better!
6. I own a ten pin bowling centre with my husband. When we bought it ten years ago, neither of us had ever bowled before.

OK, now I need to tag six people - that is going to be tricky as I am new to the blogging world, so don't really know anyone that well, but here goes.

1. My niece, Chavah a wonderful artist
2. A new friend, Carolyn who writes lovely comments on my blog
3. Another new friend Ewian from Milliande's
4. Calligrapher and artist Martha Lever who is taking the Paulette Insall faces class with me
5. A new friend from the faces class Jo a very talented lady, also an Aussie :-)
6. A new friend Vicki another Paulette Insall student

the rules:
1. Link to the person or persons who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.


Vicki Holdwick said...

How fun, Trish. My post is up.

Now all I have to do is leave a comment on the six people I have tagged to let them know.

Carolyn Albro said...

W00t!! Thanks for the tag : )) And thank you for your sweet comment.

EWian said...

Hi, Brenda, here is the post I did on the tag.
