Wednesday, January 14, 2009

CED Full Moon Dreaming

I feel better than I have in ages, I think the medication has really sorted me out, crossed fingers. I have started my new job role and my body definitely feels it. Lifting and lugging babies is great exercise, my muscles are testifying to this after only 2 days! Just goes to show how old and out of shape I am. Tonight, tired though I was, I decided enough was enough, it was time to play. My studio has been taken over by my sister and her niece, but undeterred I went down and retrieved my neocolor soluble crayons and some reservoir brushes and took them up to my bedroom where I had fun experimenting and messing around. It felt good! I was just using my sketchbook which doesn't hold up to wet media very well, but I wasn't really concerned about the buckling and the finished product, I was more focused on playing and exploring with no real goal in mind. Admittedly, these past few nights have seen my bedroom brightly lit by a full moon and I was wondering how I could capture the beauty with my meagre abilities. I keep reminding myself that I am a beginner, I have a long journey ahead of me and as long as I get some enjoyment, self satisfaction, and stress relief from my little creations, then life is good.

"Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best" ~ Henry Van Dyke

Oh, and here is a little sketch of a heart shaped girl - I think she looks a bit alien-like, so I've called her alien girl, hehe.


sherry carrigan said... 1

So glad you are feeling better Brenda. Don't you just love those neocolors? I'm still debating on whether to purchase the large collection of them. Guess I should bite the bullet and get them now while I'm still employeed. LOL

Martha Lever said... 2

So glad you are better! I love your two pieces and I too love those neocolors!! I love alien girl even though she really doesn't look like an anien---she's really cute--not scary!!!

Vicki Holdwick said... 3

Hi Brenda,

So glad you are feeling better. I am sitting here with an ice pack on my right knee (when I mess it up running, it takes a while to get it pain free) drinking my first cup of coffee.

I am, as usual, loving your art.

Trish said... 4

I really love your moon page!! (and the sketch of the girl!)
glad you're feeling better too-hopefully no more sickness for a long time now (for all of us:)

The Bodhi Chicklet said... 5

Very commendable of you to get into bed and do some art. It was a spectacular full moon here too. *sigh* But it does mean restless nights. So those little babies are like free weights huh? It must be nice to snuggle with them a little, though. Maybe you could write a song for Alien Girl. Can you rap it?!

Trish said... 6

thanks Brenda! I really want to try to step up the pencil practice:) I'm going to buy some new pencils this weekend-I know that using my regular "school" mechanical pencil isn't going to cut it forever!
I had to write to typepad about the comment thing, they fixed it-it's much easier now isn't it?! well, I think I may go back to sleep for a bit (or try some coffee so i can art journal) talk to you later

Michi Michaelson, Orange County, CA said... 7

Hi Brenda!
THANK YOU so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I'm glad you are feeling better and are "playing" again!!! I find art so therapeudic! I'm loving your FULL MOON DREAMING!!! It's a WONDERFUL piece!!!!!

Heather Robinson said... 8

Oh what a delightful post. So happy to hear that you are feeling better. You were down and out...and that can take the stuffing out of a person. Love the piece with the moon and your description of creating it.

Teri Leigh said... 9

I do some of my most fun playing on my bed. Sounds wierd but I love to sit on the bed and watch tv while working in my art journal. You may find you really like it. I'm glad you are feeling lots better.

femminismo said... 10

Nothing meager about your abilities. The profile - with trees for hair - is wonderful! I love the woman/person and cat watching the moon. You've done very well. Thank you for the comment on my blog. The shoes are back. check it out later - jeanne in oregon

Linda Vincent said... 11

So glad to read that you're feeling better Brenda.
Love your always.
Linda xx

~*~Patty S said... 12

Happy to hear you're feeling better, no fun being down! Love your Moon page. I so agree with you about playing and not concerning oneself so much about the outcome.....:)

Fannie said... 13

I hope you continue to get better.

Playing and exploring is the fun part of creating, isn't that great? I enjoy seeing the results of your play and explorations.

Martha Lever said... 14

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! It's cold here in sunny Florida!!!

Trish said... 15

thanks Brenda-I don't think I'm getting sick, I hope not anyways-I feel ok, just really tired. I am going to sleep in Monday though:)
I did enjoy the book when I first read it, but to tell the truth I don't remember much. I think it's because I didn't try to apply any of the ideas to my life-I'm going through it again though-I do think it's one I will come back to often-and I got mine really cheap on amazon (used)
tonight though, my Everyday Matters and An Illustrated Life came, and let me say-An Illustrated Life looks WONDERFUL!!! It is FULL of visual journals - I just got home from work and that's what I plan on doing-starting on it!hopefully I'll sketch some while I read it (I flipped through it and it looked like there were a bunch of great things to sketch)ok, I gotta go and read it-
hope all is well!

Trish said... 16

thank you:) I THINK I am feeling better today (so far!) I did sleep until almost 12:30 pm, so that helped-
how are you?

Linda said... 17

Hi Brenda,

So glad you are feeling better. I love the Full Moon Dreaming, it's georgeous.

Also I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award. the details are on my blog.

Aimeslee Winans said... 18

Very pretty pages, glad you are feeling better! xoxo