Way back when I was Joey Scout Leader our State Branch issued a challenge to take a photo of your section eating at an unusual place. We decided to eat popcorn on top of the bunyip cave - a local tourist attraction where I live. The children had to climb onto the top of the "cave" and then I took the photo. Guess what - we won the competition! Probably not the safest venue for the activity, in hindsight, but the kids had a great time and that's what is important, haha.
Here are the rules for this tag:
1. Go to the photo folder in your computer.
2. Go to the seventh folder of photos.
3. Go to the seventh picture.
4. Put the picture on your blog along with a description of it.
5. Invite seven friends to join the challenge.
I am not actually going to invite 7 friends, you are probably all tired of me tagging you - so I'll just leave it that if you really want to participate, go ahead. What photos do you have lurking on your hard drive?